Monday, February 15, 2010

Jello Schmello

The Bake Sale was a huge success! All my cookies were sold out, my cake pops were almost sold out, and the cupid's jello cups were almost all sold out too! The jello cups were the hardest most time intensive of the three. Have you ever tried to pipe chocolate perfectly neatly inside a plastic cup? Took me a few tries, especially since you have to hold the piping bag completely awkwardly to get it inside the cup. Plus I learned the power of gentle rotation when piping. BIG plus on that one!

So I started them around 8 pm, and my sweet hubby went to the store to get more jello for me once I determined that 3 giant jello boxes was not going to cut it. How sweet!!! I ended up using 6 giant boxes of Jello and 2 tubs of Cool Whip.

I finally was finished everything at 2 am, which was perfect since I was watching Singin' in the Rain on TV. Doesn't everyone multitask like this?!? Loooove that movie. Need another old movie fix. Breakfast at Tiffany's? Yes. Me thinks so.

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comments! I love to read each and every one!! Hope your day is glamourous! :)