I think I had heard of Star Wars once or twice before I met my husband. Now I am quite well acquainted with it, in my opinion. Haha! I have only been forced to managed to watch Episode 4 though. Or whatever number was the first one ever made. My hubby has passed on his Star Wars love to our son, who decided that it would be a great (ie. super galactically fabulous!) theme for his birthday party. So here is how I made his cake...
Step one:
Trace your outline onto plywood or other base.
Step two:
Cover the entire thing in tinfoil. We don't want any slivers in the cake!! I put a ruler on top just so you can see the size of this thing!
Step three:
Bake cakes, and cakes, and more cakes. This took FIVE cake mixes to cover!! Then whip up some buttercream (I made three batches of cream cheese buttercream tinted grey) and start covering the cake. Make sure you build it up in the middle.
Step four:
Make your fondant and start covering everything. You may want to cut out some additional pieces for some areas to give more of a 3D look.
Step five:
Now for the time-consuming stuff! Everything up to this point is the quick stuff. Yeah, right! No, seriously!! Start decorating! I used red, blue, and black gel colours to paint some areas of the cake. Let the gel dry a bit before piping your icing. I made a royal icing recipe to ensure everything hardened up and stayed beautiful! So pipe, pipe, and pipe some more! When you are done piping, go back and pipe more. Trust me.
Also, it helps if the cake is sitting up off your table. Notice mine is sitting on top of bowls flipped upside down. Having it up in the air helps you decorate all the way to the bottom.
Step six:
Let it dry overnight. This will be helpful especially for the gel colours.
Step seven:
Now deliver to party site and admire! We had to lay ours flat for delivery and I ended up not raising it back up off the table. But no one minded that at all! Here are some close ups!
PS If you are wondering how long this took, I started in the afternoon and had some breaks. Plus baking time (I only baked one cake at a time and had to bake five). I finished up somewhere around midnight. Yes, I really love my kids! :)
Linking up with some great parties!
Linking up with some great parties!

Holy cow. That is amazing! I'm handing you mom of the year award in my head right now. :)
Wow this is amazing. I can't even bake one cake let alone 5! Thanks for linking up to Creation Mondays @ ~The Life of Me~!
Oh my goddess that cake is awesome! This comes from someone with a house full of SW replica props, like light sabres, my Carrie fisher shrine, etc. House full of geeks here, ha ha! Thanks so much for linking up and making my hubby really envious!
Jaw hitting floor . . . WOW~
wow! that is amazing ~ we are suckers for anything StarWars
Wow! You are amazing! I love that cake -- so realistic! Thanks for linking up :)
I'm speechless! simply amazing.
That is incredible! My son has demanded a Star Wars imperial walker (AT-AT) cake for his birthday in about a month--I will definitely be using this as inspiration!
Oh my goodness, that is amazing!!! Awesome work!
Visiting from Ladybug Blessings.
:)rachel from SunScholars.blogspot.com
OMG amazing! I could not get over all the detail that went into this cake. Great job! Vicky
I am NOT showing my sons (or my boyfriend) this cake! I fully understand the tolerance of having to live with a Star Wars geek. And of course I had to go and have two boys, so I can't veto passing on the torch... UGH! Way to pull through on the support though, the kids at this party will talk about this for eons :)
Oh my goodness! You are the coolest Mom ever. How is it Mom's always end up staying up until midnight to finish birthday cakes (okay, maybe that's just me), but I've never even attempted anything this cool.
Oh my gosh... amazing. Simply amazing!!!
You are the coolest mom ever! My son was a hardcore Star Wars fanatic for years & still loves it. He would have lost it if I made him a cake like this! Truly stunning! I am your newest follower and thanks so much for linking up to Gettin' Krafty With It!
This is RIDICULOUSLY awesome.
I love it! I love it! I love it!
There is nothing more to say than that ^^
...or...mh... maybe only this:
I want one too! :)
Wow! Look at that detail!!!! I also make cakes, and THAT is a lot of detail! Come link up at DIY Thrifty Thursday at www.thrifty101.blogspot.com
This cake is SO COOL!
I just showed my hubby and we are both impressed! thanks for linking it up :)
What a great cake ! So much work you put into it! And it's so detailed!
that is insane! i can't show my son this or i'll be making one, and i'm not talented at all! thanks for sharing this at my part!
That's absolutely amazing! Wow, you did such a great job. Thanks for sharing it in this week's Wallet-Friendly Wednesday!
OH my gosh, this is amazing!! I can't imagine how much time that took! thanks for linking up to our very first blog party.
Thanks, now I know what my daughter will be requiring next from the kitchen! She's already mastered the Star War cookies, thank you William Sonoma....this is absolutely fabulous and this looks really yummy too!
That is freaking amazing. I wish I had seen this before my sons Star Wars party. thanks for sharing.
*sigh* did you actually make that?? thats simply awesome! Im super impressed... !!
Thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday over at Sugar Bee Craft Edition - I featured you today! - Mandy, www.craftedition.blogspot.com
OK - this is simply epic - fantabulous...great addition to the whimsy!
what a great cake. my only question is... did you make round cakes, square cakes or what to actually form it like that? did you cut cakes down to size? my husband is truly impressed and i know we will be doing a star wars party somewhere down the line...thanks so much!
Thanks everyone for the sweet comments!! I used a 9x13 to bake the cakes and cut down to size. :)
This is so cool!
That is crazy cool! Sooo glad my kids are in bed and not seeing this. I don't want to give them any ideas. I don't have a steady hand (much less the patience) to make something like this.
Great job!
Yanet of 3 SKBs
okay this is seriously intense!! I am definitely featuring it on Handmade Features!! So if you have a chance come on over and grab a badge :)
And of course, thank you so much for linking up to Handmade Tuesdays in the first place :) www.ladybug-blessings.com
(p.s. did you enter my giveaway for handstamped jewelry? It ends the 4th :)
WOW! That is a seriously impressive cake. This may be the first time I've ever thought about showing my hubby something I found on a crafty blog, but I think he would want to see this (sounds like our hubbys would get along :))
This is really, really fantastic! Great work! Next, the death star! ;-)
I'm impressed...and will have to save this for future birthday parties as my three boys all love Star Wars (even the one who's only two...he can already wield a bubble wand lightsaber while making zoom/swish lightsaber sounds).
If you're in need of another Star Wars cake any time, here's one I made that isn't too hard...
Goodness me, this is AWESOME! Love it. I would have died for one of these when I was a kid. So cool. Thanks for sharing!
Humble Homemaking
That is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! My hand hurts just looking at it though...allllllll that piping! You are one good momma!!! :) Thanks so much for linking this up at gettin' crafty on hump day! :)
Very impressive! I have some boyos here who would flip out over that cake... It really is wonderful--thanks for sharing it with us...
Oh sweet goodness, you are on dedicated mommy!!! That is fabulous!! I've made a number of cakes in my time and I have to say that I'm impressed with how quickly you made this! I think it would have taken me days!! Come take a look at my site if you get the chance, I have some cakes posted! Great job!
My birthday is April 17th. I wish someone loved me enough to bake me a Star Wars themed cake. I would be happy with a Wookie :)
You officially get the titles Mother of the Year, Cool Mom, and Mother of the Universe.
that is so awesome!
INSANE. Love it tons.
Just Another Day in Paradise
oh my this is awesome! http://goodbyecityhellosuburbs.blogspot.com
This cake just blew my mind! This is true amazingness. I love it.
My hubby now wants one for his 30th... :)
Wow--what an amazing job! You are really creative. Thanks so much for linking up to the Share the Love party--hope you'll be back next week-
WOAH- what a great job!! I've never REALLY decorated a cake...so this one totally blows my socks off!!
Thanks so much for linking to "20 Below Thursday"! :)
Oh my goodness! That is amazing! Fabulous job!! Thanks for linking it up to Catch a Glimpse Party.
WOW! That is the most amazing cake I have ever seen! Incredible detail!!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
I can't even imagine how long that cake took to make. My son would LOVE it and double LOVE it!
Hell yeah, Mother of the Year! WOW!! :D
Holy super baker, Batman!!!! That is Awesome!
That is awesome! My kittke guy would love it!
That is unreal. I grew up with Star Wars and love that kids are into it again. Coolest cake I've ever seen.
Holy Battleship Luke Skywalker! That is INCR(EDIBLE)! Heehee.
I would be delighted if you would link this to my VIP party today =)
Sommer @ Designer Garden
Wow! That is really quite exquisitely done! Awesome detail and perfect scale! Incredible!
Gotta share this with my fans on Facebook!
This makes my inner geek giggle. My boyfriend is also a huge Star Wars fan -- and he passed it on to me. Your work is fantastic! I may have to feature this on my own blog, because it's so awesome. :)
I've been seeing this all over blogland. AMAZING!!!!
Now this is serious Star Wars dedication! I've featured this at today's Craftastic Monday - stop by & grab a Featured On button:)
That is awesome! Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.
Wow! Didn't notice it's a cake till I visited your blog. You were featured on the other blog and I find it interesting looking at the pic. Anyone will feel guilty destroying that awesome space ship! :D
Buy FF14 Account
Fantastic! And you did it so quickly! It would take me WAY longer to make this. Just incredible! Thanks for linking up, I'm featuring this today on Topsy Turvy Tuesdays!
that is so amazing! my husband is sitting bside me and he wants one! ever mind the children.
Featuring this :)
WOW am I impressed! Featuring this in tomorrow's new A Crafty Soiree, thanks for joining us.
I featured this cake this week on our 2nd blog party. come on over and take an "I've been Featured" button if you'd like! :-)
this is AMAZING! you're an awesome mama! just so you know :)
Wow!! What a fantastic job! Looks like a ton of work! It totally paid off!
Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie last week! I can't wait to see what you have for this week!
What a great looking cake! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites! I'm featuring you this week. Come by and grab my featured button if you'd like one.
WHOA!! Are you kidding me! This is the most amazing cake I ever saw! Screw the Cake Wars this is FANTASTIC!!! WOW!!! I'd be an idiot not to follow you, so say hello to your newest follower! :)
That is one lucky little boy! I featured this today! I'd love for you to come grab a featured button. Thanks for linking up last week! Amazing job!
This is amazingly awesome. I am in awe. I know a ton of little and big boys who would love this cake! I am a new follower.
504 Main
As a wife of a Star Wars geek, I can truly appreciate how much your hard work on this was adored by your son. This cake was IMPRESSIVE.
My SW Geek and his 3 little padawan learners (aka my boys) all sat and oooh'd and awwww'd over this!
I make cakes as well, and um....I was told mine are good, yours is EPIC.
you can't get that from the Publix Bakery
My goodness, how intricate! I'm going to pass this along to my friend who is a big Star Wars fan. Thanks for linking it up to our Party Tutorial Contest (http://www.purejoyeventsblog.com/2011/03/party-tutorial-contest.html)!
Absolutely beautiful! A lot of work, a great result.
Great effort..and beautiful outcome..
Looks amazing! I will never show my kids b/c they will be forever disappointed in my star wars cakes - truly a work of art
AAAA---mazing! Kudos for your amazing creativity!
This is AWESOME! My almost 7 year old wants one for his birthday now!
This one is one of wonderful featured source. The higher creativity is really shown from this source. I am truly surprised to see this one. Thanks for sharing.
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